Privacy Notice & Fair Processing

The practice and health professionals caring for you keep records about your health and any treatment or care you receive. Your records are private and you have the right to expect that they are kept secure and confidential. Different organisations within the NHS sometimes have to share information about you, for example when you are referred by the GP to a hospital specialist.

The NHS and local council services (such as social care) are also working more closely together to ensure you receive the most appropriate care, and may also need to share information. This will only be done with your consent and knowledge and you have the right to ask for this information not to be shared.

To read the NHS leaflet about information sharing, please see the, Fair-Processing-Leaflet

To read the Practice Privacy Notice explaining why we collect information about our patients and how we use that information, Privacy_notice_June 2024. Please note: this Privacy Notice has been updated to reflect the General Data Protection Regulations. There is also an additional Privacy Notice relating to how your information may be used in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID Privacy Notice.

National Data and Type 1 Opt Out

NHS Digital’s daily collection of GP data will support vital health and care planning and research. The data held in the GP medical records of patients is used every day to support health and care planning and research in England, helping to find better treatments and improve patient outcomes for everyone.

NHS Digital has developed a new way to collect this data, called the General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection. The new data collection reduces burden on GP practices, allowing doctors and other staff to focus on patient care.

NHS Digital has engaged with the British Medical Association (BMA), Royal College of GPs (RCGP) and the National Data Guardian (NDG) to ensure relevant safeguards are in place for patients and GP practices.

For more information please see:

NHS Digital – Data and Information Collection

NHS Digital – Data for Planning and Research

National Data Opt-out

The National Data Opt-out is a service that allows patients to opt-out of their confidential patient information being used for research and planning. Once again the deadline has been extended to enable health and care organisations to focus their resources on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The deadline to comply with the national data opt-out is now 30 September 2021

Please click here to opt out of the NHS Digital National Data Opt out

Type 1 opt-out

In addition for non-direct care, a patient can tell their GP practice if they do not want their confidential patient information shared outside of the practice  for purposes other than their individual care. Please complete and return the form below to our surgery by post should you wish to register a Type 1 Opt Out.

Click here to download the Type 1 Opt Out Form

My Care Record

The people caring for you need access to your health and care record in order to make the best decisions about your diagnosis and treatment. For this to happen more quickly and to improve the care you receive, a new process has been put in place. With your permission, My Care Record will provide health and care professionals directly involved in your care, access to the most up-to-date information about you. To find out more please go to ​




My Care Record Information For Patients

If you are registered with a GP practice in England you will already have a Summary Care Record (SCR), unless you have previously chosen not to have one.  It will contain key information about the medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any adverse reactions to medicines you have had in the past.

Information about your healthcare may not be routinely shared across different healthcare organisations and systems. You may need to be treated by health and care professionals that do not know your medical history. Essential details about your healthcare can be difficult to remember, particularly when you are unwell or have complex care needs.

Having a Summary Care Record can help by providing healthcare staff treating you with vital information from your health record. This will help the staff involved in your care make better and safer decisions about how best to treat you.

You have a choice

You have the choice of what information you would like to share and with whom. Authorised healthcare staff can only view your SCR with your permission. The information shared will solely be used for the benefit of your care.

Your options are outlined below; please indicate your choice on the form below.

  1. Express consent for medication, allergies and adverse reactions only. You wish to share information about medication, allergies and adverse reactions only.
  2. Express consent for medication, allergies, adverse reactions and additional information. You wish to share information about medication, allergies and adverse reactions and further medical information that includes: Your significant illnesses and health problems, operations and vaccinations you have had in the past, how you would like to be treated (such as where you would prefer to receive care), what support you might need and who should be contacted for more information about you.
  3. Express dissent for Summary Care Record (opt out). Select this option, if you DO NOT want any information shared with other healthcare professionals involved in your care.

Please note that it is not compulsory for you to complete this consent form. If you choose not to complete this form, a Summary Care Record containing information about your medication, allergies and adverse reactions and additional further medical information will be created for you as described in point b) above.

If you wish to opt out of your Summary Care Record please complete the form below:


Summary Care Record Consent Form

Yes - I would like a Summary Care Record
No – I would not like a Summary Care Record
If you are filling out this form on behalf of another person, please ensure that you fill out their details above; you sign the form above and provide your details below:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.