Access to your Record


Please visit online services to register for the first time. 

Online Services

If you wish to have additional access to information, see below for the next steps. 


If you require additional access rights, such as detailed information on your record, please complete the form at the bottom of this page. 

Medical records hold information about you. They are also sometimes called health records. You’ll have separate records for each NHS service you have accessed, i.e. your GP surgery, hospital, dentist or opticians. How to get your record depends on the NHS Service holding that record.

The NHS wants to give people better ways to see their personal health information online. We know that people want to be able to access their health records. It can help you see test results faster. It also lets you read and review notes from your appointments in your own time.

We’re now letting you see all the information within your health record. Please see the questionnaire at the bottom of this page for how to request access. If you are over 16 and have an online account, such as through the NHS App, NHS website, or another online primary care service, you may now be able to see all future notes and health records from your doctor (GP). You will not be able to see historical records via online access. If you wish to obtain historical entries you will need to make a Subject Access Request.

This means that you will be able to see notes from your appointments, as well as test results and any letters that are saved on your records. This only applies to records from your doctor (GP), not from hospitals or other specialists. 

Your doctor (GP) may talk to you to discuss test results before you are able to see some of your information on the app. Your doctor (GP) may also talk to you before your full records access is given to make sure that having access is of benefit to you. There might be some sensitive information on your record, so you should talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

These changes only apply to people with online accounts. If you do not want an online account, you can still access your health records by requesting this information through reception. The changes also only apply to personal information about you. If you are a carer and would like to see information about someone you care for, speak to reception staff.

The NHS App, website and other online services are all very secure, so no one is able to access your information except you. You’ll need to make sure you protect your login details. Don’t share your password with anyone as they will then have access to your personal information. The safety of patients is important to us, therefore we are asking patients to complete a questionnaire to request access to that we are able to assess the risks on an individual basis.  

If you do not want to see your health record, or if you would like more information about these changes, please speak to your GP or reception staff.

Link – Abbreviations you may find in your health record

How to get your GP record

Your GP record includes information like any conditions or allergies you have and any medicine you’re taking. You can access your GP record and nominate someone you trust to access it too. There are 3 main ways to get your GP record.

1. Using your NHS account

You can get your GP record by logging into your account using the NHS app or NHS website. First, you need to register for online services and prove who you are. You can do this when you create an account. You’ll need to ask your GP surgery for online access to your full record, or you’ll only see your medicines and allergies.

2. Get your GP record using your NHS account – please click on the icon below

3. Using other online services or apps

You might be able to use other GP online services and apps to get your GP record. First, you need to register for online services and prove who you are. You’ll need to ask your GP surgery for online access to your full record, or you’ll only see your medicines and allergies. Some services and apps are only available in certain areas. Ask your GP surgery which one you can use.

Contact the online service or app you’re using, or your GP surgery, if you have any difficulties.

How to get other medical records

For any other medical records, you need to ask for them at the NHS service you went to. This includes records like your hospital record. Check the website for the NHS service you want your records for. You might need to fill out a form to ask for access.

Help with medical records

There’s more information about health records in your NHS account.

How to correct an error in your medical record

If you think your medical record is incorrect, you need to let someone at the NHS service for your record know, for example your GP surgery. They will help you get it updated.

How to access someone else’s medical record – ‘Proxy Access’

Medical records are confidential, so you can only access someone else’s record if you’re authorised to do so. If you wish to grant a person access to your records and/or collect results, discuss medication and to act on your behalf, please download and return a signed consent form to any of our GP branches. It is important that you understand the risks of granting access to others and that you are able to keep yourself and your information safe.

Consent for ongoing access to records

Find out more about how to access someone else’s medical record

You can also give permission for someone to be granted ‘Proxy Access’ to your online records – please visit one of our surgery branches should you wish to discuss this further.

Additionally, please see the link below for patient information leaflets from NHS England

NHS England – Patient Information Guides

Please see our pages regarding Subject Access Requests and Freedom of Information Requests regarding your rights to access your information.

For information regarding your Care Record and choices available for data sharing, please visit our page regarding My Care Record

For information relating medicals, insurance claims and certificates, please see our Non-NHS Services page

Prior to access being granted, we ask patients to complete the questionnaire below.

Detailed Record Access and Understanding Online Safety Questionnaire

PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FOR PATIENTS WHO ALREADY HAVE ONLINE RECORD ACCESS. Please complete all questions. We will then process your request and send a reply back to confirm you have access to your electronic health records. It takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Every person needs to complete this. It cannot be completed for multiple people on the same form. If you are doing this on behalf of somebody else then please remember to state your relationship with the person and that you have permission to do so on their behalf. If you are a partner/carer applying for full access to a record of a child under the age of 16, please be aware that the changes to access only apply to patients over the age of 16. You will still be able to view results, request prescriptions and appointments via your child's online record.

"*" indicates required fields

I already have access to my online record and I am requesting detailed record access*
Have you already registered for online access to order repeat prescriptions and online appointments?*
If the answer to the above is NO then you cannot proceed with this form. This form is to request additional access to your detailed record. For first time requests please visit the online services section of our website for instructions, or visit a branch. You can download and register for the NHS App yourself however if you require log in details from the practice you will need to visit a branch with ID documents before access can be granted. This is for patient security reasons. If you do not have online record access this form will not be processed.

For patients with existing online access ONLY

MM slash DD slash YYYY
In case we need to contact you

I am doing this questionnaire for myself*

If you are submitting this on someone else's behalf, do you have their consent to do so?

I can read and understand English*
Are you able to use passwords and technology to access your records?*
After you have been to the doctor or hospital, you can check if the encounter has been recorded and what was discussed. Do you agree that this is a good reason to have access to your records?*
There may be an instance when accessing your medical records online, you may read some information that could be shocking or upsetting. What do you do if this happens and you cannot speak to your doctor/nurse immediately? Please tick all options that apply.*
You see a new letter has arrived in your electronic health record. You open up the letter to find it is about another patient at the practice. What do you do?*
Does anyone else have access to your mobile phone, email , passwords or online record?*
Have you ever given permission for anyone else to access your record or speak on your behalf at the practice?*
Would it upset you if you read something somebody else has said about you with regards to your health?*
This does NOT mean that others can see your record without your permission.
If I suspect that my account has been accessed by someone without my agreement, I will contact the practice as soon as possible*
If I think that I may come under pressure to give access to someone else unwillingly I will contact the practice as soon as possible.*
I will be responsible for the security of the information that I see or download*
Please confirm that you have read the information on the practice website about accessing your record?*
Do you feel you understand what Records Access means?*