Patient Transport Services

Help with transport is available for patients in Hertfordshire who have a medical need for transport to and from their health appointments. Patients must book this service themselves – we are not permitted to book transport on their behalf. Journeys can be booked between two weeks and two working days in advance. On the day bookings can sometimes be made, subject to space being available, but cannot be guaranteed. Please ask patients to have their NHS number to hand when make a booking, if possible.

The number is: 0345 6051208 – open from 8.00am to 6.00pm – 7 days a week – East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust, are the new caretaker provider.

For further information on how to organise transport to and from hospital – please view:

The Patient Transport Service provides ambulances to patients who need support to reach their healthcare appointment, or for their admission to and discharge from hospital, due to their medical/clinical needs.